The Problems

Trade Support

Trade Promotions are the 2nd highest cost line on a Profit & Loss account for many suppliers, estimated at 10-20% (or more!) of sales revenue.

In some areas up to 70% of a category's volume is sold on promotion.

How, where and what should be promoted for maximum volume / ROI ?

It is unclear which promotions are most effective.

Budgets are under increasing pressure to reduce spend and/or increase returns.

It is a difficult area to increase your ROI and/or reduce costs... and still hit targets.


Customer Relationship

Joint Business Planning requires extensive analysis = Resource.

To influence the category (buyer), better insights are required.

Knowing what you can and should change is crucial.


Brand Equity

Who is the actual competition in a shopper's mind?

How strong is your brand vs. competition and what are the trends?

Can my brand grow the category? Which SKUs ?

Need to balance ATL versus BTL investment to maximise ROI.